Saturday, 31 March 2012

Row Count- Conditions when you can do a Row Count

Row counts are not available for the following:
■ Stored Procedure object types
■ XML data sources and XML Server databases
■ Multidimensional data sources.
■ Data sources that do not support the CountDistinct function, such as Microsoft Access, MicrosoftExcel
■ In Online mode, Update Row Count will not work with connection pools in which the session variables
 :USER and :PASSWORD are set as the user name and   password.In offline mode, the Set values
 for variables dialog box appears so that you can populate the session variables :USER and :PASSWORD.
■ In online mode, after importing or manually creating a physical table or column, Oracle BI Server
does not recognize the new objects until you check them   in. Therefore, Update Row Count will
not be available in the menu until you check in these objects.

Refresh a Single Report


In my previous post to refresh the whole page-  is useful to refresh the complete page.
In the below post, you can try to refresh the report alone:

function refreshTheFrame()
<iframe frameborder="0" border=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 hspace=0 vspace=0 width=1200 height=600 scrolling=auto>

The above code would place the report in a text object and then load the report after the refresh time interval.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Downloading to Excel- Leading Zeros getting removed
In the OTN one user requested for -

"Whenever i am downloading in to excel it is cutting off leading zeros.
i mean location number is showing in report as 00012345 after downloading in to excel it is displaying only 12345.
I think excel is thinking thsi iis number so it si cutting off zeros.

my user want to see data in excel exactly how it is displaying in report."


You can try adding the below statement in the Custom CSS section of the column properties:

Refer snapshot here:

This will treat the data in the column as text while downloading to excel, hence retaining any leading or trailing spaces.

After modification you have to save the report and put it dashboard try to download excel.

OBIEE 11g Path Locations

Catalog Path


Repository Path


Instanceconfig.xml ----> file path


NQSConfig.INI file path :


Steps to deployee new RPD and catalog :

in obiee11g is different from obiee10g deployment procedure
here deployment via Weblogic Enterprise Manager option. but in obiee10g just change it instanceconfi.xml and NQSCOnfig.ini file then restart(this all steps are now taking care by weblogic EM)


OBIEE System Component Log Locations

You have to check the below logs if you have any startup issues for any of your OBIEE components.
The first step is to check the status of all components using opmnct status -l, if any of the component status is down go to the corresponding
log file for more information.

To individually start components for an example to start the presentation services you would use the below command

opmnctl startproc ias-component=coreapplication_obips1

Similarly to start other components replace the coreapplication_obips1 with correct names.

Presentation Services:


sawlogo.log - Fro any issues related to Presentation Services start/stop
BI Server Component:


nqquery.log - For any issues related OBIEE Analysis & RPD issues
nqserver.log - For any issues related to Server Component start/stop

BI Scheduler Component:


nqscheduler.log - For any issues related to Scheduler Component start/stop
BI Cluster Component:


nqcluster.log - For any issues related to Cluster Component start/stop

Java host Component:


jh.log - For any issues related to Java Host Component start/stop

Weblogic Server Log Locations

BI Managed Server:


bi_server1.out - For any issues related to bi_server1

Admin Server:


AdminServer.log - For any issues related to AdminServer


ORACLE_BIEE_HOME = C:\Oracle\Middleware\obiee11g (This is your root folder where you installed OBIEE 11g)

Please note that by default "instance1" is created but if you tried to install multiple times you might have different name (ex: instance2)
If your instance name is different replace the instance1 with your correct instance name.

Start your Oracle Database

Start Weblogic Node Manager

Steps to Manually Start Oracle BIEE 11g

1. ORACLE_BIEE_HOME/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/bin/startWebLogic.cmd

2. ORACLE_BIEE_HOME/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/bin/startManagedWebLogic.cmd bi_server1

3. ORACLE_BIEE_HOME/instances/instance1/bin/opmnctl startall

Steps to Manually Stop Oracle BIEE 11g

1. ORACLE_BIEE_HOME/instances/instance1/bin/opmnctl shutdown

2. ORACLE_BIEE_HOME/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/bin/stopManagedWebLogic.cmd bi_server1


Tuesday, 27 March 2012

OBIEE10g Auto Suggest Prompt

Since this isn’t a standard 10g functionality I wrote some JavaScript to make it happen. But I didn’t reinvent the wheel Knipogende emoticon ! The people at jQuery already did the bases, I simple adapted it for usage in OBIEE 10g.
1. Download the jQuery UI package here. Install it in your b_mozilla directory’s (or other webserver dirs you use).
2. Download the jQuerySetup from here.
3. Add the setup script to a textbox on your dashboard page:
Alter files locations if needed, don’t forget the Contains HTML Markup checkbox.
4. Add a dropdown prompt to your dashboard page.
5. Create a javascript file in your b_mozilla directory’s called: autocomplete.js
function SetAutoComplete(PromptColumn){
    var domNode = document;
    var tagName = '*';
    var tags = domNode.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
    var y ="";          
    for(i=0; i<tags.length; i++){
    if (tags[i].className  == 'GFPFilter') {
        if (tags[i].getAttribute('gfpbuilder').indexOf(PromptColumn) != -1)
            y = tags[i].getAttribute('sid')          
                $( "#"+y ).combobox();          
6. After the dropdown prompt add a textbox with:
<script src="res/b_mozilla/autocomplete.js" language="javascript"> </script>
<script language="javascript">
    SetAutoComplete('C1  Cust Name');
7. Add your report and run the dashboard:

OBIEE10g AutoRunPrompt

Thanks to-

The script can be downloaded here: download COBIEEJS.
Copy the file to your b_mozilla directory’s (or other webserver dirs you use)
How to use it?
1. Add an edit box style prompt to your dashboard:
2. Add a textbox with:
<script src="res/b_mozilla/cobieejs.js" language="javascript"> </script>
<script language="javascript">
  AutoRunPrompt('C1  Cust Name');
don’t forget the Contains HTML Markup checkbox
3. Add your prompted report:
Run the dashboard:

OBIEE To start the Beep


Save as "All Files" .BAT format and double click and run the Batch File.

OBIEE Stop the beep

Thanks to-

Do you want stop the annoying "BEEP" which you get every time when delete something in the repository?

Make a small .BAT file called "NET_STOP_BEEP.BAT" Put this in the file

Put in the scheduled tasks as a "run at login"

Moving from or to

Please refer:

New Features for Oracle BI EE 11g Release 1 (

New metadata repository features in Oracle BI EE 11g Release 1 ( include:

Ability to Limit and Offset Rows Returned
You can use the FETCH and OFFSET clauses to constrain the number of rows returned by the SELECT statement and to offset the returned rows by a given number. Both clauses are optional and can be used together, or independently. See "Limiting and Offsetting Rows Returned" for more information.

Identify Query Candidates with Oracle BI Summary Advisor
If you are running Oracle Business Intelligence on the Oracle Exalytics Machine, you can use the Oracle BI Summary Advisor feature to identify which aggregates will increase query performance. Summary Advisor intelligently recommends an optimal list of aggregate tables based on query patterns that will achieve maximum query performance gain while meeting specific resource constraints. See "Using Oracle BI Summary Advisor to Identify Query Candidates for Aggregation" for more information.

Integrate the Administration Tool with a Third-Party Source Control Management System
As an alternative to using a MUD environment, you can choose to save your repository in MDS XML format and integrate the Administration Tool with a third-party source control management system. See Chapter 4, "Using a Source Control Management System for Repository Development" for more information.

Streamlined MUD Merge Process
Repository developers using a multiuser development (MUD) environment can now merge and publish changes in a single step, rather than merging local changes and then publishing changes as two separate steps. They can also perform subset refreshes to perform incremental local merges with the master repository. See "Publishing Changes to Multiuser Development Repository Projects" for more information.

Automated Repository Patching Process
You can now use an option in the patchrpd command-line utility to enable automated patching without prompting for user input. In addition, new patching-specific rules are applied during patch merges. See "Merge Rules and Behavior for Patch Merges" for more information.

Support for Aggregate Persistence in a Cluster
You can now use the aggregate persistence feature in a clustered environment. See "Running the Aggregate Specification Against the Oracle BI Server" for more information.

FIRST_PERIOD and LAST_PERIOD Time Series Functions
You can now use the FIRST_PERIOD and LAST_PERIOD functions to compute the first and last value of an expression using the chronological key rather than the primary level key. See "FIRST_PERIOD" and "LAST_PERIOD" for more information.

Ability to Print the Physical and Business Model Diagrams
You can now use Print Preview and Print to view and print the Physical and Business Model Diagrams in the Administration Tool. See "Using the Physical and Business Model Diagrams" for more information.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

OBIEE Hide the Refresh link within the No Results view

Thanks to-

Occasionally I’ve come across a requirement to remove the refresh link that is displayed on the No Results view. It doesn’t make sense to have a refresh link in this context and it can confuse your users. Here’s one solution:
Add a ‘No Results’ view to your report

In the text box paste this:

<script type="text/javascript">
function removeRefresh(){
cols = document.getElementsByTagName('td');
for (x=0; x<cols.length; x++) {
  if (cols[x].className == 'ResultLinksCell' && cols[x].innerHTML.indexOf('Refresh')!=-1)
    cols[x].innerHTML = '';
<p>Please change the dashboard filters and try again<p>

I hope this snippet helps someone out there.

Drill on measures using Navigate link

I was searching the OTN found certain useful posts from HM:

Refer to couple of links below for similar discussion:

The Navigate feature can be modified to open targets in a new window by following the below steps:
- Edit OracleBI\oc4j_bi\j2ee\home\applications\analytics\analytics\res\b_mozilla\viewhelper.js
- Search for function NavigateInfo()
- Find the line with code this.sWindowTarget = "_self";
- Replace the line as this.sWindowTarget = "_blank";
- Clear the browser cache and reload the page.

The navigation targets will now open in a new window.

try writing a custom css and use it for the section/column
border: 1px solid #bbb;
height: 600px;
padding: 10px;
font-size: 14px;


Also, came across this workaround during some R&D on this:
Add a static text view to the report and paste the below code (Ensure to check 'Contains HTML Markup' option)
<script> = 'idViewPreview'</script>

This does help to open the navigated report in a new window, but not sure of any side effects of using it. You can try and thoroughly test it before actually implementing this in production.
Thanks to All

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

OBIEE Autorefresh no prompts

Use the

Ok this trick only works if you don't have any prompts on the dashboard page. They can live on other pages if you want to keep them.
Add a text element to your dashboard
Enter :
where 10 is the refresh time in seconds. Don't forget to check the Contains HTML Markup box.


To avoid caching of the browser.

Thanks to-

OBIEE the "developersprompt"

Thanks to John

When I'm developing a dashboard I often want to play around with some basic settings like cache hit & seed and loglevel. Normally you have go back to answers or your administration panel to change these settings (temporarily). I always advice my developers to make a 'developersprompt'......It's a simple LOV prompt which returns me 3 presentation variables (dp_cache{0,1}, dp_seed{0,1} and dp_log{0,1,2}.

In the prefix of each report we default add:

(you can find the postfix block in the advanced tab of your report)

When developing your dashboard you can playaround with different settings to find the optimum. Leave the prompt on the dashboard and make in only 'available' for administrators or developers, so that in time of "trouble" your are quickly able to bypass the cache or turn on logging.

Setting Connection Pool Properties in the Connection Scripts Tab

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Different Date Formats

Since you are going to be setting these date variables using physical SQL in initialization blocks, the SQL issued will be specific to the database platform you are using. For Oracle, you could write:
trunc(sysdate) - to_char(sysdate,'D')+1 CurrentSunday
, trunc(sysdate) - to_char(sysdate,'D')+2 CurrentMonday
, trunc(sysdate) - to_char(sysdate, 'D')+7 CurrentSaturday
, trunc(sysdate) - to_char(sysdate,'D')+8 NextSunday
, trunc(sysdate) - to_char(sysdate,'D') PreviousSaturday
, trunc(sysdate) - to_char(sysdate,'D')+2-8 PreviousSunday
, trunc(sysdate) - to_char(sysdate,'D')+2-7 PreviousMonday
, cast(to_char(trunc(sysdate), 'YYYY') as INT) CurrentYear
, Cast(to_char(trunc(sysdate), 'YYYY')-1 as INT) PreviousYear
, add_months(trunc(last_day(sysdate)),-1) + 1 CurrentMonthFirstDay
, last_day(trunc(sysdate)) CurrentMonthLastDay
, add_months(TRUNC(last_day(sysdate)),-2) + 1 PreviousMonthFirstDay
, case when last_day(SYSDATE) = SYSDATE then TRUNC(SYSDATE) else add_months(TRUNC(last_day(sysdate)),-1) end LASTDAYCOMPLETEMONTH
from dual;

If you are using a calendar that’s different from the normal “Gregorian” calendar (i.e. a fiscal calendar) that you have stored in a Periods table, you can write the analogous SQL for that calendar. You won't be able to use the Oracle date functions for many of the values you want, but you can still write the SQL to return the values according to the fiscal periods in your calendar using different methods. 

Thanks to -  KPI PARTNERS

Monday, 5 March 2012

Overlapping of charts and tables -Workaround

One of the major issue what everyone faces is the 'Overlapping of the Chart and table when downloaded to Excel'
Oracle had told to fix these small issues in 1.6.0 version.

So, here is a small workaround to resolve the issue:

Place a narrative text between the chart and the table/pivot table view. With the following code:
<span style="display:none">[br/][br/][br/][br/][br/][br/][br/][br/][br/][br/][br/][br/][br/][br/][br/][br/][br/][br/][br/][br/][br/][br/][br/][br/][br/][br/][br/]</span>

Check the HTML and also the number of [br/] tags depends on the requirement.

Save it and export the reports.  You will see the chart and the table view separately.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

OBIEE Editing system wide defaults

Setting a system wide default can be very handy but also completely messing up up your system. For instance changes to CSS files don't seem to work. Most catalog administrators forget to retract this privileges until it's to late.
Anyway here is how you can undo the damage.
As always be careful when editing directly into the catalog XML.. Backup!
Open the catalog in a off line mode:
Navigate to /system/metadata
Press Edit XML
Press again Edit
Carefully Delete edit the XML  !
Press save, close catalog manager, restart presentation service.

Using Guided Navigation for the Access of Reports.

To show the report based on the user's login level. We can create a page which contains two sections-One for the ROLE1 user's and second section with ROLE2 users's.
Follow the below steps:

1. Create two reports for which the USERLEVEL access has to be given. These reports are the Main reports which the users will see.
2. Create intermediate reports like the below:
Here USERLEVEL is a session variable which assigns the USERLEVEL for which the user login's. And first column is a dummy column.

3. Add a filter conditon to the USERLEVEL session variable column as shown below:

4. Save the report. Similarily follow the same steps for the ROLE 2 users's. Create a report. Add filters and save it.
5. In the Dashboard. Pull two sections.
6. In the sections pull the two Main report, which the users view.
7. Now, the section properties, add the guided navigation path link for the intermediate reports created.

8. Similarily add the guided navigation path link for the second report too.
9. Save the page and Test.
10.When the user's with ROLE 1 login, then they will be able to see the section 1 report. When the user's with ROLE 2 login, then they will be able to see the section 2 report.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

OBIEE11g Setting up Usage Tracking

Yes, I did, I just wanted to do an 11g variant, after getting this screen:
If you look around in the BIPLATFORM repository created by the RCU you will see that the S_NQ tables already have been created for you:
What is missing are the S_ETL tables. You can find the scripts in <<OBIEE_HOME>>\instances\instance1\bifoundation\OracleBIServerComponent\coreapplication_obis1\sample\usagetracking\SQL_ServerTime
Add the tables to your BIPLATFORM repository:
Open your RPD and set up a new database and connection pool:
Import the usage tracking tables:
For the S_NQ_ACCT table switch off the cache:
Create an alias for each table and put them in a separate physical display folder called Usage Tracking:
Set up your physical joins:
! Deploy your RPD to the BISERVER , do not yet restart !
Edit your NQSConfig.ini (found in <<OBIEE_HOME>>\instances\instance1\config\OracleBIServerComponent\coreapplication_obis1)
Restart the bi server:
Run some reports to check the tracking:
Check in your repository if the data gets loaded:
Next you can make a BM and presentation Layer:
And create a nice dashboard…..

OBIEE 10g Setting up usage tracking

OBIEE has a very good usage tracking system, with low resource costs. Here is how you set up the Oracle variant.
Step 1: create a oracle schema:

GRANT "CONNECT" TO obiee_usage_tracking;
GRANT "RESOURCE" TO obiee_usage_tracking;
GRANT CREATE SESSION TO obiee_usage_tracking;
GRANT CREATE TABLE TO obiee_usage_tracking;
GRANT CREATE VIEW TO obiee_usage_tracking;
ALTER USER obiee_usage_tracking DEFAULT ROLE NONE;

Step 2: Create the tracking table.

the Tracking table Script can be found in: ... \OracleBI\server\Schema
Use SAACCT.Oracle.sql for Oracle and put it in the relevant OBIEE_USAGE_TRACKING schema.

Step 3: Make it available for the public

Step 4: Setting up the additional tables
You can find the scripts in ...\OBIEE\OracleBI\server\Sample\usagetracking\SQL_Server_Time

Run the following scripts;
Oracle_nQ_Calendar.sql (Warning this only goes to 2016!)

Step 5: Make it available for the public


Step 5b: Create an extra view
(They forgot this one in the documentation)

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW nq_login_group AS SELECT DISTINCT user_name AS login, user_name AS resp FROM s_nq_acct;
grant select on nq_login_group to public;

Step 6: Merge the usage tracking RPD into your master RPD.

Open your master RPD offline.

Save as "master_temp.rpd"

From the file menu select merge.

Select you original master.RPD
Select the modified repository from ...\OracleBI\server\Sample\usagetracking\Password is empty
If you get this one don't worry about it, just click okSave the merged RPD as your master.rpd
Step 7: Move the Usage Tracking to a native connection pool If you ommit this and use ODBC you can get "strange" errors. 
Import 1 table from the OBIEE_USAGE_TRACKING schema.

Delete only the table and copy the connection pool

Drag and drop the table part from the imported Usage tracking rpd.

Rename the databasebase an connection pools

Check the connection pool data
Be sure to set both connection pools!

Step 8: Altering the NQSConfig.ini

The file can be found in: …\OracleBI\server\Config

Locate and Alter the following:

# Usage Tracking Section
# Collect usage statistics on each logical query submitted to the
# server.
PHYSICAL_TABLE_NAME = "OBI Usage Tracking"."Catalog"."dbo"."S_NQ_ACCT";
CONNECTION_POOL = "OBI Usage Tracking"."Usage Tracking Writer Connection Pool" ;

Step 9:
Restart the BI server. Check the server log for errors.

Step 10: Import the Usage Tracking Presentation Catalog into the existing Presentation Catalog. Extract the example catalog from the ZIP file found in ...\OracleBI\server\Sample\usagetracking\

Open one instance of the Oracle Business Intelligence Catalog Manager. Open the source Presentation Catalog from where we can copy the Usage Tracking content.

Open this Presentation Catalog in offline Mode.

Once you have opened the presentation catalog, click on the shared folder. In this folder you can find the folder Usage Tracking, which holds all related reports, filters and the dashboard page.

Open another instance of the Oracle Business Intelligence Catalog Manager.
Open the destination Presentation Catalog in online mode to which you want to copy the Usage Tracking content to. Open the shared folder. As you can see in the example below, this presentation catalog doesn’t have the Usage Tracking folder yet.

Go back to the source Presentation Catalog for the Usage tracking. Click on the Usage Tracking folder and click on Copy button in the upper left of the screen.

Go to the destination presentation catalog. Be sure the shared folder is opened. Right click in the folder window and click on Paste. Close both catalog managers.

Note: Some people are worried that they don't see the entry directly in the reports. This is because OBIEE saves the usage tracking inserts them in a batch. The amount is influenced by the BUFFER_SIZE parameter. This specifies the amount of memory used to temporarily store insert statements. The buffer allows the insert statements to be issued to the usage tracking table independently of the query that produced the statistics to be inserted. When the buffer fills up, then subsequent queries’ statistics are discarded until the insert threads service the buffer entries. When you stop the BI-server it will try to issue an insert all remaining entries.

Till Next Time
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Murat did some great extra comments: