I know OBIEE is a vast ocean and the person who wants to swim across will find many things in his/ her way. Find this place to post those findings/ question/ answers. I will try to find an answer to your questions and i will blog about them here. If someone else has already blogged about it, i would point you there. And Yes OTN forum is available always. People reading my posts can also stop by and read/ write their comments. Remember OBIEE is an ocean, so which means even I am just a swimmer finding the things coming through my way. So people who have already started with their swim can guide me and others.
Hunt for OBIEE has begun...


  1. First to start with OBIEE has a bit of pitfalls. Yes, I know that I am initiating the page with a bad comment. But hope many would find thing useful.

    In OTN forum Turribeach suggested few items-

    Everyone is saying how good OBIEE 11g is so I decided to post about what's bad with it, which surprisingly it's lot. This is what I think is wrong with OBIEE 11g:

    1) Can't install the client tools only, it requires a full install. It seems they have simplified the installation in 11g but only for developers/sales reps running everything on the same machine on Windows PC. The Client tools even requires new set of schema, nonsense!
    2) The "super" new installer that allegedly does everything and simplifies your life does not create the time dimension tables for the Usage Tracking reports.
    3) BI Publisher still uses a separate Scheduler. Half-baked integration still there...
    4) OEM introduced functionality to configure things from the web but again half-baked integration there, a lot of config parameters still need done directly on config files. If you are going to change this better to change all at one go rather than confusing people with half-done things.
    5) Installer requires new schemas to be created in advance. Can't deffer that, can't use an existing schema. This is good for developers running everything on the same machine. Rubbish for enterprises where BI developers are usually not DBAs.
    6) Oracle installer now requires a myriad of permissions and packages on Unix to install (i.e. write permissions on /opt/app/oracle). 10g installer was much better and didn't need all that ****.
    7) 64 bits OSes only support "Software only" installs, need to be configured manually. WTF? The whole enterprise world is already on 64bits! Nonsense!
    8) Still no support for client tools in 64bits OSes.
    9) IE6 no longer supported. May be it was unavoidable but most of the enterprise is still in IE6.
    10) No choice of J2EE. I don't see the need to force people out of the their choice of J2EE other than pure anti-competitive behaviour.
    11) License costs up 130%.

  2. In OBIEE 11.1.6, Do you guys see Cut the filter option? :)

  3. Pivot Table prompts in 10g becomes combined when multiple columns are pulled.
    But in 11g, its in the proper format (with separate drop downs)

  4. How to implement Row wise and column wise grand total % in obiee

  5. I need one report on the below structure,can you help
    Name,Work Email,Home Email,Work Phone,Home Phone


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