Friday, 31 August 2012

Changing the background color on hovering in OBIEE

When there is a requirement to have background color to appear on hovering over the text then the below code will help you out.
Use the below code in the Text inside the section with the HTML check box enabled.

<script type="text/javascript">
function changeColor(id, color) {
element = document.getElementById(id);
event.cancelBubble = true;
oldColor = element.currentStyle.background; = color;
<div id="left1" onMouseOver="changeColor(, '#81DAF5');" onMouseOut="changeColor(, '#FFFFFF');"><font size=2>Sample Text</font></div>

The use of div here is to restrict the color change on the particular section only. If we use Body bgcolor, it will  change the color for the whole page.
And in conditions where there are multiple sections, just add the above code and change the div id values.
Hope this will help many people out there. Thanks to javascript :)

Comments are always welcome...

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Customizing in OBIEE 11g

Found good materials for customizing OBIEE 11g/ 10g.

One from Rittman-

and also material from Oracle-

For removing 'Preparing for Guided Navigation' Text in 10g

Sub Tabs in OBIEE 10g

Currency change options

Hope this helps all.


Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Changing the Date Format from Presentation Variable

In OTN forum I came across a requirement, where the user wanted to change the date format of a presentation variable value.

Assuming the presenatation variable value is acquired through a prompt, I am proceeding by creating a report with a column which is filtered with this presentation variable.

The column in a report which is having a default value with the presentation variable.

Next is to change the data format of the date column, so that we change the format of the date column on receiving the value from the prompt.

Final result.

Comments are always welcome...